Dutch colonial period johanes van den bosch
Dutch financial vacancy caused by the war
independence from Belgium and the war Diponegoro , encouraging
Dutch to create a system that can produce
advantage in economics / finance for the Dutch . on
the leadership of John Van Den Bosch Netherlands introduced
culturstelsel or caltivitaion system ( cultivation ) .
Forced empire system was first introduced in Java and
developed in other areas outside of Java .
Dutch colonial period johanes van den bosch
a. Rules cultivation system
1 ) Each resident must submit one-fifth of the land
his cultivated for crops planted mandatory quality
exports .
2 ) The land reserved for the land shall be free from
payment of land tax .
3 ) Yields of crops shall be submitted to the
colonial government . Any excess of the sum yields
taxes that must be paid back to the people .
4 ) Power and the time needed to work on
plant shall not exceed the energy and time that
needed to grow rice or approximately 3 months .
5 ) Those who do not own land , obliged to work for
66 days or fifth year on the government plantation .
6 ) In the event of malfunction or failure of a harvest
responsibility of government ( if not due to fault
farmers ) .
7 ) The left entirely to the cultivation
village head .
b . Implementation of forced cultivation
In fact , the implementation of many cultur stelsel
deviation , as oriented to the interests of
imperialist , including :
1 ) Ration land for export crops exceed one-fifth of land
claim , much less fertile soil .
2 ) People more attention , energy , and
time for export crops , and many do not
was working the fields and the fields themselves .
3 ) People do not have to work the land must exceed 1/5
years .
4 ) The timing of the plant is found to exceed the time
rice planting ( three months ) because perennial crops
require constant care .
5 ) Any excess of the amount of tax yields to
paid back to the people was not restored
to the people .
6 ) Failure of crops shall be the responsibility of
people / farmers .
c . As a result of forced cultivation
1 ) For the Netherlands
For planting Netherlands forcibly took advantage
abundant , including :
a) Cash Netherlands became surplus ( excess ) .
b ) Dutch free from financial difficulties .
2 ) For Indonesia
Deviations due to the implementation of
cultivation , then the ramifications are burdensome
Indonesian people , namely :
Dutch colonial period johanes van den bosch
a) Many of the abandoned land , so that the crop failed .
b ) People suffer even more .
c ) Outbreaks of the disease is rampant .
d ) Danger of famine-stricken people of Cirebon force
displaced to other areas to save themselves .
e ) Famine in Grobogan great , so much that
cause of death and population
declined sharply .
d . Opposition forced cultivation
Dutch cultivation applied in Indonesia
it caused opposition action . people who
against forced cultivation consists of :
1 ) Type pastor
This group opposed on humanitarian grounds . The
opposition figures who spearheaded this is Baron Van
Hovel .
2 ) Type liberal
Liberal faction composed of businessmen and traders , in
of which :
a) Douwes Dekker with the pseudonym Multatuli
opposed to the forced cultivation authored a book titled
Max Havelaar .
b ) by Frans Van de Pute authored a book titled
Suiker Constracten ( Contract Work ) .
e . Elimination of forced cultivation gradual implementation
In West Sumatra , the system of forced cultivation began in
1847 , when a long-time resident of coffee planting in
free forced to grow coffee for submission to
colonial government . So also in Java , the implementation of the system
cultivation is carried out through a network of local bureaucracy .
Thanks to criticism from various parties , eventually
Dutch government gradually removing cultivation :
1 ) In 1860 the cultivation of pepper removed .
2 ) In 1865 indigo and tea cultivation deleted .
3 ) In 1870 all kind of cultivation of plants , removed
except coffee in Priangan .
In addition to the island of Java , which is almost the same wisdom
also carried out in other places such as West Sumatra ,
Minahasa , Lampung and Palembang . Coffee is a plant
first major in two places . The pepper is a plant
in two main areas both . In Minahasa , policy
The same then applies to the coconut trees .
Eduard Douwes Dekker ( born in Amsterdam , Netherlands , March 2, 1820 - died in Ingelheim am Rhein , Germany , February 19, 1887 at the age of 66 years ) , or also known by his pen name Multatuli ( from Latin Multa deaf " a lot of what I 've pain " ) , is a Dutch writer famous for Max Havelaar ( 1860 ) , a novel satirisnya containing criticism of ill-treatment of the colonists against the indigenous people in the Dutch East Indies .
Eduard has a sister named Jan who was the grandfather of the Indonesian independence movement leaders , Ernest Douwes Dekker, who is also known by the name Danudirja Setiabudi .
Contents [hide ]
1 Early life
2 Being a small employee
3 Go to the Dutch East Indies
4 Dismissed
5 Married
6 Working back
7 Clash of the Governor
8 Move to the Valley
9 Extortion in Lebak
10 Return to Europe
11 Start writing
12 End of life
13 Effect of the Dutch East Indies and Indonesian literature
14 In popular culture
15 His works
16 External links
Childhood [edit ]
Eduard was born in Amsterdam . His father was a captain of a ship large enough to earn enough money so that his family , including a well-established and well-educated family .
Eduard then schooled in the Latin school which can later pass on to a university education . Initially studying with Eduard Eduard smoothly as an outstanding student and quite clever . But over time Eduard was bored so his performance declined . This makes him straight out of school and he was placed in a trading office .
Being a small employee [edit ]
For Eduard , placing it in a trade office made him feel deprived of the company of his fellow wealthy family , and he even placed in a position which he considers as a lowly servant in a small office textile company . It was there that he felt how to be poor and are in the lower classes of society. This work was done for four years and left an impression that was not forgotten during his life . " From among the living who have influence later life among the people under him to know that many in the community who do not have the influence and protection of nothing" , which is pronounced like Paul van ' t Veer in Multatuli biography .
To the Dutch East Indies [edit ]
Eduard Dekker sculpture in Amsterdam , Netherlands .
When his father came home from his travels , he saw a change in the circumstances of life and self Eduard . This gave rise to the intention of his father to take him on yourself on a journey . At that time , in the Dutch East Indies there is an opportunity to look for wealth and position , as well as for the Dutch people who are not educated or less educated . Therefore, in 1838 Eduard went to the island of Java and in 1839 arrived in Batavia as an inexperienced sailor in his ship . With the help of his father's relations , not how long Eduard has a job as a civil servant ( Ambtenaar ) in Batavia office of Financial Supervision . Three years later he applied for a job as a civil service Ambtenaar in West Sumatra and by the Governor -General Andreas Victor Michiels he was sent to the city of Natal , who was remote as a controller .
Dismissed [edit ]
Life in the remote town , for even more fun Eduard . As a civilian government Ambtenaar high enough in there , plus the age is still quite young , he felt a higher power . In his role he took on the task of government and the courts , and also has financial and administrative duties . But apparently he does not like his job so then he left . Superiors who then held the examination , found a large loss in government cash .
Because of his disregard warnings from his superiors , as well as the loss of government cash Eduard was suspended from his post by Governor -General Michiels West Sumatra . A year he lived in Padang without earning anything . Only in September 1844 he received permission to return to Batavia . There he was rehabilitated by the government and earn " money waiting " .
Married [edit ]
While waiting for the placement of tasks , having an affair with Everdine Eduard van Wijnbergen , girls derivatives impoverished nobleman . In April 1846, Eduard currently Ambtenaar it has served as a resident assistant while in office Purwakarta , married with Everdine .
Working again [edit ]
Learn from the bad experiences while on duty earlier at Christmas , Eduard worked quite well as government Ambtenaar so in 1846 he was made a permanent employee . Then raised to the rank of Commissioner in the office of the resident Purworedjo . His achievements made him prefect appointed by George Johan Otto von Schmidt auf Altenstadt Stuart became secretary resident replaces the previous officials . But because Eduard do not have a diploma as a condition placed as high government officials , Eduard did not get a real promotion . But the Governor -General may give recognition diploma in things that are considered privileged to able to carry out the terms of government duties . Eduard apply to the Governor -General and finally managed to get it because of his performance . This decision received from his superiors , Resident Purworedjo . Failure while on duty on Christmas considered a young employee mistakes can be forgiven .
In subsequent career , Eduard was appointed secretary resident in Manado end of April 1849 which is a career best times . Eduard was matched with Scherius resident who became his boss so he gets the attention of officials in Bogor on them because of progressive opinions on draft legislation to change the colonial legal system . His career rose to assistant resident , which is the second highest career in the Dutch East Indies Ambtenaar . Eduard accept this position and assigned in Ambon in February 1851 .
Clash with Governor [edit ]
However , despite getting a high enough position in the Dutch East Indies Ambtenaar , Eduard do not get along with the Governor of Maluku which has its own power to make subordinate Ambtenaar - Ambtenaar can not show initiative . Eduard finally filed a leave of absence for health reasons to get permission to leave the Netherlands . And on Christmas Day 1852, he and his wife arrived at the port near Rotterdam Hellevoetsluis .
Moving to the Valley [edit ]
During sabbatical in the Netherlands , Eduard was not able to manage its finances well ; debts piled up here and there and even he often suffered defeat at the gambling table . Although it has been proposed an extension of leave in the Netherlands , he and his wife eventually returned to Batavia on September 10 , 1855. Not long after , Eduard appointed assistant resident of Lebak in Banten south residency housed in Rangkasbitung in January 1856 . Eduard do their job well enough and responsible . But apparently , he met the real situation in the Valley is very bad even worse than the news he gets.
Extortion in the Valley [edit ]
Regent of Lebak which at the time was under Dutch colonial system of government was appointed head of the system of inheritance native has held power for 30 years , was in the circumstances a severe financial hardship because of household expenditure is greater than income derived from his post . Thus , Lebak district can only rely on income from the forced labor required of district residents by habit .
Edwuard Douwes Dekker found that forced labor imposed on the people of the district have exceeded even encounter practices extortion by the Regent of Lebak and its officials by asking for crops and livestock to the people . If buy it , and even then the price is too cheap .
Yet only one month of Eduard Douwes Dekker was placed in Lebak , he wrote a letter to his superiors , resident CP Brest van Kempen with emotion over the events in the region . Eduard requested that the regent and his sons were arrested and the situation was wrong investigated . With the insistence of the Eduard , rumors arose that it replaces the previous officer died of poisoning . This makes Eduard feel threatened him and his family . Another reason is that news Cianjur district visit to the Valley , which was still nieces Lebak district , which then makes Eduard conclusions will lead to a lot of blackmail to the people .
Her boss , Brest van Kempen was shocked with the news that sent Eduard so hold on-site inspection , but declined requests Eduard . Eduard thus requested that the case be forwarded to the Governor -General AJ Duymaer van Twist 's famous liberal wing . However , even if it means accomplished , Eduard actually get pretty harsh warning . Disappointed, Eduard resignation request and his request was granted by his superiors .
Back to Europe [ edit ]
Once again , Eduard lost their jobs due to clashes with his superiors . His efforts to find another job to fail . Even his successful tobacco business even lend money to return to Europe to work there . Temporarily abandoned his wife and children in Batavia .
In Europe , Eduard worked as the editor of a newspaper in Brussels , Belgium , but not long after he came out . Then attempt to get a job as an interpreter at the French Consulate in Nagasaki was also doomed to failure . His attempt to become rich at the gambling table makes it more destitute .
Started writing [edit ]
Cover of the first edition of Max Havelaar in 1860 .
However ideals Eduard another , ie to be an author , successful accomplishment . When returning from the East Indies , he took various manuscripts of which a paper copy of the play and the letters when he served as a resident assistant in Lebak . In September 1859 , when his wife urged to file for divorce , Eduard locked himself in a hotel room in Brussels and wrote the book Max Havelaar who later became famous .
The book was published in 1860 in a version edited by the publisher without his knowledge but still causing a stir among the public especially in his own country . In 1875 , came back with a revised text results . His name has gained recognition as an author , which means gradually Eduard can expect income from publishing his work .
When published novel Max Havelaar , he used the pseudonym ' Multatuli ' . The name is derived from Latin and means " ' I 've had enough ' " or " ' I have suffered ' " ; here , I can be mean Eduard Douwes Dekker himself or enslaved people. After the book was sold throughout Europe , opened all the dark reality in the Dutch East Indies , though some have called the depiction Dekker as superfluous .
Between 1862 and 1877 , Eduard published Ideen ( Ideas ) whose content is a collection of descriptions its opinions about politics , ethics and philosophy , satirical essays and dreams . A play he wrote , among Vorstenschool ( School of the King ) , performed with success .
Although the quality of the literature Multatuli debated , it is favored by Carel Vosmaer , the famous Dutch poet . He continued to write and publish books entitled Ideen which consists of seven parts between 1862 and 1877 , and also contains a novel Woutertje Pieterse and Minnebrieven in 1861 that although the title seem harmless , it is hard satire .
The end of life [edit ]
Eduard Douwes Dekker finally feel bored living in the Netherlands . In his later years , he lived in Germany with a German boy who was regarded as her own son . Eduard Douwes Dekker lived in Wiesbaden , Germany , where he tries to write a play . One of his plays , Vorstenschool ( published in 1875 in the fourth volume of Ideen ) expressed his attitude that does not stick to a single stream of political , community or religion . During the final twelve years of his life , Eduard not fabricated but only write many letters .
Eduard Douwes Dekker then moved to Ingelheim am Rhein near the Rhine until she died February 19, 1887 .
Literary influence in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia [edit ]
Multatuli has inspired not only the literature in Indonesia , such as poet New Forces group , but he has composed the spirit of nationalism in Indonesia. This national spirit is not only rebellion against the system of colonialism and economic exploitation Dutch East Indies ( eg cultivation ) but also to the traditional , feudal power and endless sucking rabble . When the Max Havelaar Multatuli can be said to have personified himself as Max is idealistic and ultimately frustrated , Muhammad Yamin focus more on the people colonized , for example, in his poem Hikajat Saidjah and Adina In frustration philosophical side facing Max and Saidjah and Adina is the same on essentially , both desperate and shackled in a chain system that can only be disconnected by means of revolution .
In popular culture [edit ]
Max Havelaar ISBN 0-14-044516-1 - This book has been appointed as the 1988 movie of the same title , directed by Alphonse Marie Rademaker and involves several Indonesian artists , such as Rima Melati . This movie is not popular in Indonesia , was even banned by the New Order government after a while be shown in cinemas .
His works [edit ]
1843 - De eerloze ( a play , later published as De bruid daarboven ( 1864 ) )
1859 - Geloofsbelydenis ( published in the journal freethinkers De Dageraad )
1860 - Indrukken van den dag
1860 - Max Havelaar of de koffiveilingen der Nederlandsche Handelmaatschappy
1860 - Brief aan Ds . W. Francken z .
1860 - Brief aan den Gouverneur - Generaal in ruste
1860 - Aan de stemgerechtigden in het kiesdistrikt Tiel
1860 - Max Havelaar Multatuli aan
1861 - Het gebed van den onwetende
1861 - WYS my de plaats Waar ik heb gezaaid
1861 - Minnebrieven
1862 - Over vrijen arbeid in Nederlandsch Indië en de tegenwoordige koloniale agitatie ( brochure )
1862 - Brief aan Quintillianus
1862 - Ideen I ( there is also the form of the novel De Geschiedenis van Woutertje Pieterse )
1862 - Japansche gesprekken
1863 - De school des levens
1864-1865 - Ideen II
1864 - De bruid daarboven . Tooneelspel in Vijf Bedrijven ( a play )
1865 - De Zegen Gods door Waterloo
1865 - Franse rymen
1865 - Herdrukken
1865 - Verspreide stukken ( taken from Herdrukken )
1866-1869 - Mainzer Beobachter
1867 - Een en ander naar aanleiding van Nederland en Bosscha 's Pruisen
1869-1870 - Causerieën
1869 - De Maatschappij tot Nut van den Javaan
1870-1871 - Ideen III
1870-1873 - Millioenen - Studien
1870 - Divagatiën over zeker soort van Liberalismus
1870 - Nog Eens : Vrye arbeid in Nederlandsch Indie
1871 - Duizend en eenige hoofdstukken over Specialiteiten ( satirical essay )
1872 - Brief aan den Koning
1872 - Ideen IV ( there is also the playwright Vorstenschool )
1873 - Ideen V
1873 - Ideen VI
1874-1877 - Ideen VII
1887 - Onafgewerkte blaadjes
1891 - Aleid . Fragmenten uit een twee onafgewerkt blyspel ( a play )
1897 - Max Havelaar of de Koffiveilingen der Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappy ( editor Willem Frederik Hermans )
External links [edit ]
( UK ) ( Netherlands ) Multatuli Museum
( UK ) Multatuli Archives
( English ) Photos Multatuli
( Netherlands ) Max Havelaar Foundation
( Netherlands ) 150 jaar Max Havelaar
Frans van de Deventer
Gains derived by the Dutch from the Indonesian nation 's natural resources are used to build up the Dutch could achieve prosperity in all respects . Instead of Indonesia experienced misery , poverty , and extreme kemelararatan . Indonesian people trapped in a cycle of ignorance , poverty and ketrebelakangan for not getting a proper education . As a result, only a few people are aware of the role of Indonesia as a separate nation .
Misery of the indigenous people known by the Dutch The people who moderate . One of the moderate character is Baron Van Houvel engaged in the Dutch parliament . Houvel called on the colonial government to pay more attention to the fate of the natives . In addition , another character who is fighting for the interests of the indigenous Van Deventer , a Dutchman who has a great interest in the colony .
He wrote in a Dutch magazine De Gids , with the title " Een Ereschuld " ( Debt Budi ) , which in dalmnya criticized Dutch government has obtained millions Goulden of the profits generated from the colonized Indonesia , so he called for a little special attention to advance of the colony .
He then took the notion of the process of advancing the colony consists of three main points are often called Trias Politica Van Deventer , namely :
( a) irrigation , which make improvements and development in the field of irrigation ;
( b ) emigration , ie the process of improvement in terms of population ;
( c ) education , the improvement and development in the field of education .
The most influential factor for the development of the nation of Indonesia is the third idea in the field of education ( education ) . Education through the Indonesian people began to experience the development of thinking as the foundation for the birth of the idea of nationalism . Thoughts on the future of nationalism is the basis to deliver the nation of Indonesia achieved independence .
Before the 20th century , education problem has begun to be developed as is done by the Minister of Lands Colonies Netherlands , Frans Van de Putte who introduced Western education systems around the year 1884 . The purpose of this development is to produce a Dutch administrative personnel who are skilled, educated , and inexpensive .
However, since the enactment of the Ethical Policy was initiated by the Dutch government Van Deventer compelled to set up schools in stages . In addition to the demands of Van Deventer , it is also intended to direct the education of the people of Indonesia to be free from ignorance so as to provide expert and educated in all areas . Development of schools in Indonesia at first and certainly not as good as free as it is now . Many basic differences between the Dutch school with school today .
However , the school was first established in Indonesia , education level, similar to the existing school at this time , among them are :
( a) ELS ( Europese Lagere School )
specifically for European children and HIS ( Holands inlandse School ) for indigenous children gentry . There is also a primary school for the natives who distinguished between first-class school for the nobility and class two to class commoner .
( b ) MULO ( Meer Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijk )
who continued to AMS ( Algemeene Middelbare School ) , there are other HBS ( Hogere Burger School ) and KS ( Kweek School ) or a school teacher , a junior high school and high school .
( c ) OSVIA ( Opleiding School Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren ) ,
a school for prospective civil servants , STOVIA ( School Toot Opleiding van Indische Artsen ) for medical school , THS ( Technische Hogere School ) as a technical high school is now called ITB ( Institut Teknologi Bandung ), is a college-level schools .
In a further development , these schools have given rise to a group of talented young intellectuals who are very influential . In their next Indonesian history are the ones who became pioneers of enlightenment for all Indonesian people so that feelings of unity and nationalism ( nationalism ) that led Indonesia to independence , although the gates of it still needs to take a relatively long time .
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